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Consumable Material

Incense, Incense charcoal, Candles, Lamp Liquid Wax, Communion Bread and Hosts and Altar Wine

In our shop in Piazza Duomo you can find a wide selection of incense in various shapes, fragrances and qualities.

Incense and charcoals

The smoke of the incense symbolizes
intense faith that should fill us, and its
fragrance evokes Christian virtue.
The Church considers burning incense
as an image of the prayers of devotees
that rise to Heaven. This symbolism is
mentioned in Psalm 141,2: “As incense,
go up my prayer to you, my hands raised
like sacrifice of the evening``.

Look at all the consumable products available in our online shop

Pomilia Calamia®

Sweet Altar Wine for Eucharist

Sun, colors and scents of Sicily,
authentic and generous wines ...
Liqueur wine for Holy Mass.
Produced in Marsala, Sicily.

If you are interested in purchasing, you can come and visit us in our shop in Piazza Duomo or see the items and check their availability in our online shop. For special requests you can write to our address pietrobon@pietrobon.it.